
League News


U15 Checking Clinic

On March 12 Joel Isenor & Bryan Gillis will be running the EHMHA checking clinic.


4-5 pm classroom (Bannister Room)

5-6 pm   Off ice (full gear except skates)

6-730 pm on ice session


Anyone wishing to try out for a U15 rep team next season is required to have the checking clinic. Goalies do not need to have the clinic.  Anyone wishing to try out for a U15 Major team this Spring will also need the checking clinic


If you have already taken the clinic you do not need to take it again.


This clinic is FREE for EHMHA players.  This will be our only checking clinic and do not plan to have another one in the Fall


Please contact Bryan Gillis to sign up for the clinic: Bryangillis1@hotmail.com




Mar 2, 2023